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Essiac Tea herbal vegan capsules (60)

All natural, additive-free vegan capsules for those who don’t have the time to make up the herbal tea blend which is also available at this website

The mg for Essiac Capsules
Burdock 200mg
Sheep Sorrel 150 mg
Slippery Elm 100mg
Rhubarb Root 50mg

The capsules were formulated to help people travelling, or pensioners who do not have the facility of a kitchen and making up the formula



Why Essiac Tea Should be Part of Your Cancer Fighting ...


Benefits: cancer, hypoglycemia, MS, Parkinson’s, arthritis, malignancies, chronic fatigue syndrome, ulcers, fibroids, thyroid problems, hemorrhoids, prostate and urinary problems, circulation, warts, diabetes, psoriasis, sleeping disorders, impotence, Alzheimer’s, asthma and allergies.

Please note:

In the case of brain tumours:

This product should only be taken under the direction and guidance of a practitioner who is familiar with it


The Positive Effects of Essiac Tea - Every Nutrient


Further information:  The 60 capsules is sufficient for a month

Contents: slippery elm, rhubarb root, burdock root, sheep sorrel


In response to many queries about which part of the sheep sorrel is used, here is information from the manufacturer:

Many people ask for the Sheep Sorrel Root to be included, but the original formula from the Indian Ojibwa tribe uses sheep sorrel leaf and stem not the root. 

Please see also “Essiac Tea (makes 4 litres) for additional information


This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease



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