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A unique, vegan, super nutrient (5 ingredients) in a capsule

All-in-One vegan capsules (180)

Description:  Consists of a unique formulation of essential natural health products. These are Baobab, Diatomaceous Earth, Fulvic Acid, Moringa and Zeolite

Benefits:  Energy booster, anti-ageing, healthier hair, skin and nails, immune system booster, internal cleanser, vitality.
The natural chelated vitamins, minerals and trace elements in this powder provide an incredibly powerful health boost.
Some have said: “this is the only supplement you’ll ever need”

Recommended dosage:  3 caps 2 x day so the 180 capsules  is a month’s supply

Further information:

Baobab – nature’s multi-mineral – a super-fruit, with both health and beauty benefits.
Diatomaceous Earth – nature’s internal cosmetic – with natural bio-available silica, a detoxifier and a parasite cleanse
Fulvic Acid – nature’s life-giver – it contains ancient microbial plant nutrients, mineral and essential elements. An essential nutrient with a vast range of benefits
Moringa – nature’s multi-vitamin – chlorophyll, Omega 3, 6, 9, vitamins, amino acids, 92 nutrients and 46 antioxidants – truly a superfood
Zeolite – nature’s cleanser & rejuvenator – volcanic minerals, trace elements and amino acids, a powerful detoxifier

All-in-One is also available in powder form for addition to cereals, smoothies and drinks.
It can be found at this link: https://www.natureal.co.za/product/all-in-one-powder-400ml/

In summary:  All-in-One

anti-inflammatory properties
bones and connective tissue improved
heavy metals, chemicals and toxin removal
high blood pressure management
immune booster
nutrient absorption booster
skin, hair, nails regenerated
vitality boost
vitamins and minerals


1 review for All-in-One Capsules: Comprehensive Nutrition

  1. Natureal

    A Human

    This Product has it all, it has dropped blood pressure. Added easy nutrition into my families life.
    I would recommend this product as a daily supplement for all.

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