Handy little snippets :
1. An activated drop of Sodium Chlorite with the Activator is equivalent to approximately 1 ml of CDS (Chlorine Dioxide Solution)
2. Now over 5,000 physicians in 25 nations use chlorine dioxide (or in short, CDS) to save lives
3. Dosing: 30 minutes before a meal or 1 hour after meal
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General Instructions: (warnings and contraindications)
The sicker the person treated, the slower we should increase the dosage.
- Remember that inhalation is toxic; always avoid direct, prolonged inhalation.
- As a preventative measure, keep in mind that blood thinners may interact with the treatment. Chlorine dioxide doesn’t thin blood directly; it makes the red blood cells repel each other, changing the counts.
- Many volunteers who were taking prescription drugs for their “chronic” ailments experienced enough of an improvement that they were able to progressively reduce their meds while carrying out regular check-ups (for hypertension, diabetes, etc.)
- Some people report cold-like symptoms when using CD. Pathogens from a previous cold often get trapped in the mucus of the nose or lungs. Germs are sometimes encapsulated in hardened mucus, called “biofilm,” but are still alive and cause symptoms. The water sanitation industry values ClO2 gas is for its ability to eliminate this biofilm, weakening the mucus and the old germs.
- Remember that chlorine dioxide works like oxygen with fire: too little has no effect, and too much can provoke an extreme reaction. Experiment and decide for yourself, listening to your body. Don’t force anything. If you start a protocol and notice that something doesn’t feel right, you should reduce the dose until any adverse effects disappear, then resume the treatment. But don’t confuse this with the healing crises that may seem like adverse effects, but signal that the body has started its path to recovery.
- Many people ask how long they can use chlorine dioxide. That depends on the disease and the dose. Small doses shouldn’t cause problems even over the very long term, as indicated in clinical trials performed with mice and bees over two-year periods. In fact, the residue left by chlorine dioxide is oxygen and a few milligrams of salt that anyone can absorb. It is harmless, even for those people on salt-free diets.
- Each person can follow the treatment for as long as they believe necessary. Theoretically, it can be for life, although I see no reason for that. We have to listen to our bodies; when we do not feel well, we can use chlorine dioxide to help recover, by supplying oxygen to all the acidic and diseased areas.
- A high dose of CD on an empty stomach can cause vomiting. Acidified (activated) sodium chlorite (NAClO) provokes a second reaction in the stomach, unlike CDS. A study of each case will determine which protocol to apply, depending on the urgency. In delicate cases, always start with CDS.
- When activated with citric acid, it can provoke, in some people, intestinal acidosis and discomfort, Citrobacter and fungi (see Chapter 5).
- Take into account the condition, weight, and age of the person being treated.
- The approximate equivalence of ingestion between CD (MMS) and CDS has been newly established as 1 ml of CDS = 1 drop of activated CD/MMS. While this is not scientifically accurate, this ratio takes into account the secondary reaction in the stomach.
- Before starting any protocol, first, check compatibility to avoid any adverse effects. To do this, mix one drop of sodium chlorite (at 25%) with one drop of hydrochloric acid (4%), wait a minute for it to turn amber and then add 100 ml of water before drinking it. If no adverse effects appear over the next two hours, you can start with the protocol.
In case of overdose:
- Take Vitamin C, freshly juiced apple juice or a few glasses of water with baking soda.
- Continue the established protocol.
In case of discomfort:
- CD may destroy pathogens faster than the organism can eliminate them.
- Return to the previous day’s dose or reduce it even more.
Discomfort can be caused by:
- Many pathogens eliminated at once.
- Toxicity from the dying pathogens dumped into the system.
Reported side effects:
- General discomfort, fatigue (more than that caused by the disease), nausea, diarrhoea, and vomiting in some cases. It’s very different when we are dealing with a disease that requires very high quantities, as is the case with a terminal, critical or hard to cure illness. There is no reported evidence so far of adverse effects regarding enzymes or essential mineral oxidation. Some people follow a routine where they take a day off every other week or two and eat fruit on the rest days. Others do three weeks of treatment followed by one week of rest before resuming with another consecutive three weeks. All options are valid, in my opinion. We have to listen to our body’s needs.
What not to eat or drink:
- Leave 30-minute intervals before and after meals and 1 or 2 hours before and after taking any prescription drugs.
- Wait at least four hours before drinking antioxidant juices or, better yet, avoid them altogether.
- Preferably, do not mix CD with coffee, alcohol, bicarbonate, Vitamin C, ascorbic acid, orange juice, preservatives or supplements (antioxidants). While these substances don’t usually interact, they can neutralize chlorine dioxide’s effectiveness.
Quick List of Protocols, A–Z:
Protocol A: as in Amateur, for the beginner
Protocol B: as in Basic, formerly protocol 1000
Protocol C: as in CDS, formerly protocol 110
Protocol D: as in Dermatology, for skin afflictions
Protocol E: as in Enemas
Protocol F: as in Frequent, formerly the 115 CDS protocol
Protocol G: as in Gas, in which only the dioxide’s gas is used
Protocol H: as in Home, to avoid the spread of infections
Protocol I: as in Insects and Bites
Protocol J: as in Joyful mouthwash
Protocol K: as in Kit, combined with DMSO at 70%
Protocol L: as in Lavatory, or bath protocol
Protocol M: as in Malaria, with high doses
Protocol N: as in Nippers or Children
Protocol O: as in Opthalmology, for eyes, ears and nose
Protocol P: as in Parasites, intense protocol
Protocol Q: as in Quenching Burns
Protocol R: as in Rectal
Protocol S: as in Sensitive, with very small, progressive doses
Protocol T: as in Terminal, for very serious diseases
Protocol U: as in Urgent, formerly Clara’s 6 + 6 protocol
Protocol V: as in Vaginal, using irrigation
Protocol W: as in Wow! You can also use it for…
Protocol X: as in detoX, to remove heavy metals
Protocol Y: as in HYpodermic CDI injection
Protocol Z: as in Zapper (Biotrohn ®, frequency generator)
Methods for Administering Chlorine Dioxide (CD)
Drinking is the most common method. We mix sodium chlorite (NaClO) with the activator, hydrochloric acid (HCL), then wait for about 30 seconds to one minute until the mixture turns amber yellow. We then add 100–200 ml (according to taste) of water to dilute it before drinking.
The second most effective method of application is by enema. The walls of the large intestine rapidly absorb the liquid gas, and chlorine dioxide gets transported to the liver via the portal vein. This method is beneficial for all diseases affecting the hepatic system, and it helps to remove acidic toxins since oxidation causes alkalinization.
The solution can be activated with water and used in spray form, for all types of skin problems. The sprayed product has had excellent results due to its high disinfectant power, and it also promotes faster healing of wounds.
You can use CD for soaking in a bath, by adding the activated mix to the bathwater. This method is very effective for skin treatment. CD is even partially absorbed, thanks to its high solubility in water.
Adding DMSO
Another form of introduction is using DMSO (Dimethyl sulfoxide), which is a transportation agent, in conjunction with CD, facilitating deeper and faster absorption through the skin. Scientific data confirms the anti-inflammatory and painkilling properties of the mix. There have been a few reported cases of allergies, so be sure to test it first by putting a drop of DMSO on your arm to check for any potential allergic reactions.
Gas (air purifier)
To disinfect the air in a room and avoid contagions, you can activate 6-10 drops in a glass. Since no one is going to drink it, there’s no need to add water.
Gas (bag or glass)
Our skin is the largest organ we have, and it can absorb the gas from chlorine dioxide made without adding water. We activate chlorine dioxide in a glass, then place the mouth of the glass over the area to be treated, exposing the skin to the trapped gas, but without allowing the liquid to touch the skin.
To treat larger areas of the body or even the whole body (except the head), use a large bag containing a glass of the activated solution. Introduce the part of the body needing treatment into the bag, allowing the skin to be in direct contact with the gas (and not with the liquid), producing direct benefits. Be careful not to spill the liquid. No part of the body should come in direct contact with the activated liquid.
Breathing CD (not recommended)
Some Internet sites recommend a brief inhalation of chlorine dioxide. For safety reasons (risk of poisoning by inhalation), I do not consider this an appropriate protocol and do not recommend it.
Under certain circumstances, intravenous or intramuscular injections of an appropriate CDI solution may be indicated. Do not perform experimental intravenous injections at home, unless with a professional who is certified to conduct clinical trials. Injection trials carried out in animals, with 5–10 ml of CDS added to a 500 ml bag of saline serum, were successful.
Be cautious with the dosage if you want to use it in a humidifier. For safety reasons, we do not recommend this method.
Protocol A: as in Amateur
Protocol A, or protocol for amateurs or beginners, is for those starting the treatment who may be hesitant or unsure. It is also indicated for treating minor issues and for general maintenance.
Before starting any protocol, always check compatibility first (general rule 12) to avoid adverse effects.
Drops are always activated on a 1:1 ratio, adding 100–200 ml of water afterward, to dilute the solution.
Day 1: Before bed on the first day of treatment, three activated drops (1:1 ratio) adding 200 ml of water.
Day 2: One hour after breakfast, three activated drops adding 200 ml of water, and then three more activated drops with 200 ml of water before bed.
Day 3: Take the doses of the first two days, after breakfast and before bedtime, adding a third dose one hour after lunch. Continue taking these three doses: one hour after breakfast and lunch and before bedtime, for as long as necessary. This protocol is suitable for long-term administration and also as a maintenance / prevention routine.
Summary of Protocol A
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
Breakfast (1 hour after) 3 drops 3 drops
Lunch (1 hour after) 3 drops
Before bed 3 drops 3 drops 3 drops
Protocol B: as in Basic
(Formerly the 1000 protocol) Protocol B, or Basic protocol, is the most widely used and is equivalent to
Jim Humble’s 1000 protocol. Drops are always activated on a 1:1 ratio, adding 100–200 ml of water to the solution afterward.
Before starting any protocol, always check compatibility first (rule 12) to avoid any adverse effects.
The goal is to be able to take, without discomfort:
- Doses of 3 activated drops every hour,
- For at least 8 hours a day (increasing if necessary),
- For three consecutive weeks.
That makes a total of 24 drops per day!
- We normally begin with a low dose of 6 activated drops per day, added to a 1–1.5-liter bottle of water for the first three days.
- We then increase the dose to 12 activated drops in a 1–1.5-liter bottle of water, per day, for the next four days.
- After that, we increase the dose to 18 drops, adding them to a 1–1.5-liter bottle of water per day for the next seven days
- And finally, up to 24 drops in a 1–1.5-liter bottle of water, per day, for the next seven days. The daily dosage must be taken throughout the day, divided into 8–12 doses. It may be helpful to mark the bottle with a line for
each dose. The recommended process is to activate the daily dose of drops every morning and add them to a 1–1.5-liter bottle of water, then drink a little bit each hour, for the rest of the treatment. The standard length of treatment is three weeks, or for however long it takes to feel recovered. In case of nausea, go back to the last, smaller dose.
Summary of Protocol B
6 drops/day: in 1–1.5 litres of water for three days.
12 drops/day: in 1–1.5 litres of water for four days.
18 drops/day: in 1–1.5 litres of water for seven days.
24 drops/day: in 1–1.5 litres of water for seven days.
The sicker the patient, the slower we increase the dosage.
- For severe illnesses, treatment should start with no more than six drops per day, increasing the dose little by little.
- The advantage of preparing the mixture in a bottle is that it’s easier to carry around and drink.
- Marking the bottle with lines helps to administer each dose accurately, throughout the day.
Remember (very important!):
» Always mix the chlorite with the activator, which should always be stored in a different bottle.
» Small, frequent doses throughout the day are more effective than larger ones in the morning and evening only.
» Take as much CD as you can tolerate without nausea, diarrhoea or severe discomfort. In case of discomfort, reduce the dosage, but continue with the treatment.
» Avoid Vitamin C and other antioxidant supplements, for at least 2 hours prior and after the ingestion of CD, since they reduce the treatment’s efficacy.
» Follow an appropriately healthy diet to protect your immune system.
» You can combine CD with diluted seawater to rebalance the body’s minerals.
» If, after some time, you wish to repeat the protocol, start with 6 activated drops per day, increasing the dosage according to your comfort level.
Protocol C: as in CDS
(Formerly, protocol 101)
Protocol C, or CDS, is a universal, easy to follow protocol with practically no side effects, which makes it indicated for most treatments.
Protocol C consists of drinking 1 ml of CDS 0.3% (= 3000 ppm) diluted in water, every hour, ten times a day (the reason this protocol is also known as protocol 101).
- Add 10 ml of CDS 3000 ppm (or 100 ml of CDS 300 ppm) to 1 litre of water per day.
- Take one dose every hour until you finish the contents of the bottle (Between 8 and 12 intakes).
- For severe or life-threatening illnesses, you should increase the dosage little by little, drinking small amounts throughout the day, depending on how you feel, up to a maximum of 30 ml per litre of water.
- If more is necessary, prepare another bottle. Reduce the dosage in case of discomfort or nausea. Do not drink more than 80 ml over 12 daily intakes (6ml/h for 100kg).
- The treatment can continue for as long as necessary until the patient feels recovered.
» The CDS 101 Protocol is used to treat most diseases and as a general ‘detox’ to cleanse the body of toxins. It is probably the most useful detoxifying procedure we know. To date, it has not caused side effects or unwanted interactions, and it doesn’t tend to cause diarrhoea.
» You should wait a prudent interval of 1–2 hours to avoid diminishing the effectiveness of CD. In case of demineralization, you can add ¼ of seawater
Summary of Protocol C
Daily intakes in 1 litre of water
General cleansing 10 ml 10 1 ml
Severe illness 30 ml 10 3 ml
Critical cases 80 ml 12 6.7 ml
10 ml of CDS 3000 ppm (or 100 ml of CDS 300 ppm)
+ 1 litre of water per day
Protocol D: as in Dermatology
Protocol D, or the dermatology protocol for skin afflictions, always uses CDS for topical application since it doesn’t leave any acidic residue. Thanks to its neutral pH, it can be applied undiluted, directly onto the skin, and for a longer time, without irritating. If CDS isn’t available, CD can be used as an alternative. Activate 25 drops and add the mixture to 60 ml (2 ounces) of water in a spray bottle. If the bottle is closed correctly, the mix will last up to one week or a bit longer. The colour indicates the concentration of the liquid remaining. Keep the mixture stored in a cool place, away from the light. Drops are always activated on a 1:1 ratio.
- Fill a spray bottle with cooled CDS < 0.3% (=3000ppm) and apply it to the affected area.
- Apply directly to the skin to treat:
Other skin problems
The solution shouldn’t feel hot or cause any burning and should calm pain and stop bleeding. You can repeat the application several times a day.
Pleased download the full protocols here: Download a copy of The Kalcker Protocols Complete